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Weekend Murdar 2015 Online Subtitrat

Avionul colegilor Les si Natalie care trebuia sa-i preia din aeroportul din Albuquerque este amanat. Nelinistit, iritat si neputand sa suporte lucratorii pe care ii intalneste la fiecare pas, Les hotaraste sa plece in oras pana cand avionul va fi gata de decolare. Natalie nu vrea sa il lase de unul singur si ii ramane alaturi, descoperind ca aparenta lui hoinarire fara scop are, de fapt, mai multa semnificatie decat vrea el sa recunoasca. Natalie ascunde si ea unele secrete proprii, insa asta nu ii afecteaza prea mult. In cele din urma, o legatura incepe sa se formeze intre aceasta pereche atipica si curand incearca sa gaseasca o scanteie de entuziasm in acest peisaj neobisnuit

Colleagues Les and Natalie are delayed in the Albuquerque airport. Restless, irritated, and unable to stand the service workers he meets at every turn, Les heads downtown. Natalie refuses to leave his side and discovers that his supposedly aimless wandering has more of a point than he is willing to admit. Natalie conceals secrets of her own, though neither can keep them quiet for long. A rapport grows between this unlikely pair, and soon they search out a spark of excitement in this most unlikely of locales.

Dirty Weekend
Weekend Murdar
Year: 2015
Length: 94 minutes
Language: English
Country: USA
Director: Neil LaBute
Screenwriter: Neil LaBute
Producer: Duncan Montgomery, Tiller Russell, Joey Stewart
Editor: Joel Plotch
Cinematographer: Rogier Stoffers
Executive Producer: Cody Davis, Jack Selby, C. Stephen Cordes, Robert Thaggard, James Jackson Leach
Composer: Joel Goodman
Co-Producer: Tim Harms, Joel Plotch
Cast: Matthew Broderick, Alice Eve, Gia Crovatin, Phil Burke
Dirty Weekend (2015) on IMDb
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