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Dead Snow: Red vs. Dead 2014 Online Subtitrat

Este o continuare a filmului din 2009 Dead Snow. Atunci cand cea mai rea zi din viata ta a constatat în uciderea accidentala a prietenei tale cu un topor, si ne uitam cu groaza ca prietenii cei mai apropiați au fost devorati de un batalion de zombie nazist… .

If the worst day of your life consisted of accidentally killing your girlfriend with an axe, chain-sawing your own arm off, and watching in horror as your closest friends were devoured by a zombified Nazi battalion, you'd have to assume that things couldn't get much worse. In Martin's case, that was only the beginning.

Dead Snow: Red vs. Dead
Alt titlu:Død Snø 2
Regia:Tommy Wirkola
Actori:Amrita Acharia, Ingrid Haas, Stig Frode Henriksen, Charlotte Frogner, Vegar Hoel
Gen:Actiune, Comedie, Groaza
Durata:100 minute
Dead Snow: Red vs. Dead (2014) on IMDb
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