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Delivery Man 2013 Online Subtitrat

David Wozniak este un bărbat obişnuit a cărui viaţă este dată peste cap când află că, în urma unei greşeli la clinica de feritilizare cu care a "colaborat" în studenţie, e tatăl a 533 de copii! Dator unor mafioţi şi respins de iubita sa însărcinată, lucrurile păreau că nu pot sta mai prost pentru sărmanul David, dar iată că 142 dintre copiii săi necunoscuţi vor să-i afle identitatea în urma unui proces. Cum va face eroul faţă situaţiei? Remake după filmul canadian de succes Starbuck, multiplu premiat la festivaluri din întreaga lume.

David Wozniak is a man who is irresponsible and unreliable which doesn't exactly endear him to his family and his girlfriend. And when she tells him that she's pregnant, she tells him, she plans to do it on her own because she can't count on him. One day a lawyer shows up and talks to him about the fact that twenty years ago he was a sperm donor for about a year and his sperm was used to father over 500 children. And now over 100 of them want to know who he is but because he signed a confidentiality agreement, they can't be told who he is. So they are going to court to try to get the confidentiality set aside. His lawyer tells him that they can win this. But when the lawyer who saw him gives him info on the ones who want to see him, he takes a peek at one and decides to go see him and not tell him he's the father. He then goes out and checks out some of his other children and doesn't tell them who he is but makes connection with them. His lawyer tells him it could jeopardize their ..Info

Donatore di sperma per oltre un ventennio, un uomo (Vince Vaughn) scopre di essere il genitore biologico di ben 533 figli. Più di un centinaio di questi, ormai cresciuti, si presenteranno alla sua porta con il desiderio di conoscerlo e di vedere da vicino chi è il loro vero padre…

Delivery Man (2013)
Tată fără număr
Regia:Ken Scott
Actori:Brittany Robertson, Bobby Moynihan, Cobie Smulders, Chris Pratt, Vince Vaughn
Gen:Comedie, Drama
Durata:105 minute
Delivery Man (2013) on IMDb
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